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Defining Beauty: Beautiful Places
What makes something beautiful? How does the notion of beauty translate in a contemporary world: either by looking at a painting, having a unique experience, or witnessing the act of beauty in another? In this course, we will hone our skills of being beauty seekers - what to look for, how to honour it, how to acknowledge it, and how to share it. It is understood that “beauty” has many interpretations, and is always defined differently by each individual, and that too will be deeply explored. Guest experts will join us in the area of PERFORMANCE, BODY, ENVIRONMENT, VISUAL ARTS, WORDS, ADVENTURES and CEREMONY. This course is based in a classroom setting on campus, and yet we will also reach out into our city as well, as we delve into DEFINING BEAUTY.

Dennis Garnhum
Andrew Fullerton, Great End: Beauty as Prospect
Alex Rozenberg, On The Cannibal Cave
Catherine Cassels, Propaganda’s Persistence: Magical Travel Destination

Gallus McIntyre, Unique Forms of Beauty

Avery Vojvodin, Tyrconnel Beach

Isadora Passos, Jesuit Missions of the Guaranis – Ruins of São Miguel das Missões
Reese Berlin Bromstein, Beautiful Decay: Schloss Reinhardsbrunn

Denise Zhu, On Naka Cave, Thailand
Azadeh Odlin, Beauty Not Covered