Personal Web Pages
Before the era of Web 2.0 and its easy-to-use web-building platforms, people built hyperlink websites from the ground up to connect with each other and share their personal passions. Students learned the basics of HTML and CSS coding in order to design personal webpages in the style of Web 1.0
2nd Year:
Digital Literacies
For their final assignments, student groups investigated themes and topics relating to identity within digital space. They brought their research and diverse creativity together to produce video essays and accompanying texts. Click through for each group's project.
Digital Essays
Message from course instructor, Ruth Skinner: What are the implications of “the digital turn,” and what does it mean to pursue “literacy” in an era of seemingly endless information? This course examined the evolution of information systems and technologies by considering their past, present, and potential future trajectories. With the event of COVID-19, we had an unprecedented opportunity to explore how we shape, and are shaped by, these technologies with a variety of research-based and hands-on activities.
COVID-19 Conspiracy Research
In the final (remote) weeks of our newly online class, artist Christina Battle led a discussion and collaborative activity on the theme of "conspiracy." Student groups collectively gathered evidence of what they're reading and watching as COVID unfolds. They collage these onto hotglue web portals. Click through to see their pages:
MAIN (Christina)
Portal 1 (Ruth)
Portal 2 (Keys to the Internet)
Portal 3 (Taking CTRL)
Portal 4 (The Spinning Top)